Society for Ecumenical Studies: Spiritual Ecumenism Links

Ecumenical Spirituality Links

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Bishop Lancelot Andrewes
Marianne Dorman's site to celebrate the 450th Anniversary of birth in 1555 for Lancelot Andrewes, a pioneer with St Robert Bellarmine of ecumenical dialogue and of ecumenical learning by Anglicanism from the Churches of the Christian East

Association of Interchurch Families
Linking interchurch families and groups worldwide - for interdenominational families, most often where one partner is RC and the other belongs to another communion

Bose, Ecumenical Monastery
The setting near Perugia in Italy for the conference on the Holy Spirit and Ecumenism, organised by the Cardinal Suenens Program in Theology and Church Life.

Catholic League
A society of Anglicans and Roman Catholics working for corporate reconciliation, through prayer, study, pilgrimage and friendship.

Centre Unité Chrétienne
The institute established by Pierre Michalon to continue the work of Paul Couturier, in developing the Week of Prayer, in fostering ecumenical study and contacts and in publishing a termly revue, Unité Chrétienne.

Centro Pro Unione - The Society of the Atonement in Rome
Franciscan friars and sisters consecrated to Christian unity. Website of their ecumenical library, study and conference centre in the Piazza Navona

Chemin Neuf Community
A Catholic community of the renewal, 'with an ecumenical vocation', and interchurch membership and dedicated to the study and life of unity.

Chevetogne - The Monks of Unity
The Latin and Byzantine rite Benedictine monastery in Belgium, home of the Monks of Unity, publishers of the ecumenical review, Irénikon.

Christians Aware
An international and ecumenical movement aiming to develop multi-cultural understanding

Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield
The Anglican religious community, study centre and training college for priests, with close links to the Benedictine Abbey of St Matthias in Trier, Germany. Follow links to CR and then to Ecumenism

Communauté du Chemin Neuf
An international community founded in Lyon in 1973 to work for unity through the renewal movement.
It runs the Centre Unité Chrétienne.

Corrymeela Community
30 years of Catholic and Protestant peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland

Abbé Paul Couturier - Founder of the modern Week of Prayer
In commemoration of the life and continuing influence of the Abbé Paul Couturier on his fiftieth anniversary in 2003

Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Common study, devotion and worship in branches throughout Britain and Ireland

Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius
Towards the reconciliation of Christians from East and West, Anglican, Orthodox and Catholic. Publishers of the Sobornost journal.

The international movement for unity in Church and Society founded by Chiara Lubich

The Gospel and our Culture
A website on the mission of Christ to contemporary culture

Grandchamp Community
The famous Reformed Church community in Switzerland, strongly associated with the life and vision of Abbé Paul Couturier and to this day influential in the ecumenical movement.

Hymn Society of Great Britain & Ireland
Ecumenical association to study, promote and appreciate the churches' hymn traditions

International Ecumenical Fellowship
From Poland to Spain, study, spirituality, conferences, friendship: 'Living today, the Church of tomorrow'

Iona Community
The ecumenical modern-day community living and singing the gospel in an ancient Abbey in Scotland

Living Spirituality
Churches Together in Britain & Ireland build on the work of the Ecumenical Spirituality Project

London Centre for Spirituality
Newly established as an ecumenical venture in the Anglican diocese of London's church of St Edmund the King in the City

Newman Association
Promoting open discussion and greater understanding in today's Church

Retreat Association
UK movement to promote places of retreat and spirituality

Seed of the Church
Martyrs of the Catholics and Reformation traditions: exploring a 'new memory', towards reconciliation and an ecumenism of holiness

Taddeide Ecumenical Centre
A religious community founded in 1951 to work for unity and reconciliation in the old 'Thaddaean' Capuchin convent of St Jude, built on the spot where St Francis made his final stop at Riano on his last visit to nearby Rome

Taizé Community
The ecumenical and international religious community in France

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Celebrating 100 years of prayer for unity, thanksgiving for prayers answered and renewed dedication to the future. The history, purpose and ongoing influence of the Week of Prayer

World Community for Christian Meditation
Ecumenical Spirituality Centre, continuing the work of John Main and Laurence Freeman